About Me
Hello, my name is Charles Lehman. I am a full time Ceramic artist. I gain inspiration from nature and experimentation. Since I can remember I have always loved doing art, but 9 years ago I caught the “Clay bug” and I started to really focus in on ceramics as opposed to the other art forms I was doing. My work is all functional and has a large focus on the tactile component with the textural surfaces I create! I graduated in 2020 with a BFA with a focus in Ceramics and screen-printing.
“From the bottom up I have seized the means of production at every level” is what my friend told me when I described my process. I start with either digging my own clay (red body) or making my own from chemicals (light body). Hooking into my love of experimentation, I test natural clay bodies that I find or my friends have found on their property and I test them. Below are some examples of this in the “Found clay” section. To summarize quickly, the natural clay bodies react differently at different temps and when combined with my light body it makes magical things happen. That leads me into my carved work where I can work with both clays with different techniques or just by themselves. Either way, it makes an interesting textual surface that I love to create. I also own my own studio and kiln, so everything I need to for my “means of production” is in one place. In addition to ceramics I also am a big advocate of recycling and will use recycled glass with my work that creates an interesting crystalline pool in the piece. Additionally, I am currently starting to combine my experience of screen-printing with my ceramic!
Me outside of ceramics
I know it’s a stretch, but I do manage to find time away from ceramics (occasionally). Outside of clay, I love to do other artistic ventures and hang out with my friends. Woodworking, Painting, and Screen-Printing are some of the other artistic outlets I have. Currently I am making a custom DnD/ board gaming table with my friend Austin that will hopefully be finished soon! It’s made out of reclaimed wood and there are pictures below of the work in progress. Additionally, I used to Screen-Print professionally at RedPrint for 3 years and printed thousands of shirts and other items. It was my favorite job I had before going into ceramics full time, but good things cant last forever. Go Check Redprint out if you want some AWESOME PRINTS!
Found Clay
Below is my standard red clay body that I use in my work. I dig it at my friend’s place and take it to my studio to be processed!
Here are some finished pieces from a set that I gave to my friend for letting me use his clay

Below is the same set still wet after being thrown
Going further back in time, I began to dry the raw clay
Test Tiles
These are test bars from clay I dug at my uncle’s farm. They are fired at different temperatures with the least heat on the left to highest heat on the right.
Below is the same clay, but instead of processing it I just cut it straight from the earth and fired them at different temperatures.